Friday Night School

The word “forever” is a big part of our Christian vocabulary. We speak of the Lord who has lived and shall live forever, and we rejoice in the fact that we shall live forever in heaven.

We know that the word “forever” means “without end”, or “eternal,” but many of us ponder the concept of the word “forever.” Though we can never grasp its meaning fully, we would do well to meditate regularly on this important truth.

The Triune God has lived forever. He had no beginning. There never was a time when He did not exist. We cannot ask where God came from or how or when He began. Our finite minds cannot grasp this truth. Looking ahead, we that all of us who believe and trust the Lord will worship the lord forever and ever! We will never cease to worship Him. This study will capture a small part of this eternal worship.

  • Date : May 17, 2024January 1, 1970
  • Time : 6:30 pm5:02 pm (UTC+0)